
Launching a new brand in the european market, by Kenny Jacob.

"Destiny can be interesting!" This is one of the genuine and true phrases that Kenny Jacob is pleased to offer to us.

However, what destiny´s holding for anyone, is surely linked to hard work done before. This is a reflection of Kenny´s life, and we can find it in our own, too; or at less, that´s the way it should be.

Media Covering the Course

Eitb-k tartea eskeini dio Surf eta Irristatze Kirolen Marketing eta Management Ikastaroari, domeka gabeko Teleberrin.

Euskerazko bertsioa.

Eitb ofrece un espacio al curso de Marketing y Management de Surf y Deportes de Deslizamiento en el Teleberri del domingo por la noche.

Versión en castellano.
