
No Waves so looking for Mushrooms.

Creative thinkers have created and shaped all kind of boards, and they´re still in it. They´ve found ways to live moving around, pulled by the swell that comes and goes like natural magic.

These days with no waves might be curious by one sight. What are they doing? What do they enjoy doing while we´re all waiting for the swell in this stand-by?

Some of them they´re surely making friends at the bar. Who didn´t take a chance to taste more than an excellent meal by the hand of basque gastronomy artists? Sightseeing, shooting photos and giving interviews, playing mental games and twettering and training, making the effort not to get stressed due to the missing essential.

I know something about. I know that walking through the woods, crossing virgin rivers and reaching hills in the silence of the nature brings to each the tone, the freedom and the strength we need to face challenges, and looking for mushrooms by the way it´s a method to enjoy serendipity. Then, when you´re back to coast, you realize waves have mushroomed.

Who went? Nobody? You already know for next, friends! Go on to water now!

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